Gardena 101
Creating Strong Community, Thriving Businesses
Volume 7, January 2017
From Strawberry Farms To Top Businesses
From its early beginnings of strawberry farming in the 1900s to the 21st century, Gardena is now a city that points to upscale housing, nationally known business tenants, infamous entertainment, and eclectic cuisines. Yes – Gardena is a city in transition.
Like many smaller cities, Gardena has become a community where vacant land is scarce, making the attraction of new businesses a constant “work in progress.” currently, the City of Gardena is home to over 2,500 businesses and provides employment to thousands of… Read More
You May Be Hidden From Your Customers
One of our Gardena residents recently recalled a frustrating experience she had with trying to locate a business that sold the exact item she was hoping to purchase as a birthday present for a close friend. She mentioned how she had driven a city block for fifteen minutes to find the business, and finally gave up. She kept asking herself, “Why isn’t there an address on the front of any of the buildings in this block?” This short scenario is a classic example of what can happen when a potential customer or visitor cannot locate your business because there is no address on the front or the rear of your building.
Annual Business License Renewals
Business Licenses for all existing businesses must be renewed at the beginning of each year. If a business hasn’t renewed a business license yet, the City of Gardena encourages residents and businesses to renew their business license online at