HomeSharing Rental Permit (HSR)

On September 12th 2023, the City of Gardena adopted Ordinance No. 1854 establishing regulations governing the rental of residential property for thirty (30) consecutive days or less within the City of Gardena. Anyone engaging in home-sharing activity must include a valid registration number in the rental listing. More information about the program can be found in the Home-Sharing Ordinance.

A prospective host must obtain from the City both a home-sharing permit and a business license. 

If there are more than 100 qualified applications submitted during this time, the City shall issue home sharing permits by way of a lottery. Please refer to ordinance for further information.

To apply for a Home-Sharing permit, an applicant can find all the necessary forms on this page, or at City Hall. 

In addition to the Home-Sharing permit application and the various supporting documents to establish property ownership, primary residency, insurance coverage, and a business license is required. The business license application is available HERE. Please visit here to find more information in Business License.

Unless the applicant has the hosting platform they use collect and remit all TOT on their behalf, the applicant must be registered to pay TOT with the City’s Business License Division. Regardless of whether a host utilizes a hosting platform that offers to collect and remit TOT on their behalf, the host is ultimately responsible for the, collection and monthly remittance of TOT to the City.

Please note that this registration must be done within one week after receiving your HSR permit and business license.

Transient Occupancy Tax Form (Home-Sharing Rental)

The Home-Sharing Permit Fee is $1,337.00.

The Administrative Guidelines are for the purpose of implementing the City of Gardena’s Home-Sharing Rental Program, as established by Ordinance No. 1854. These Guidelines reflect the City’s application of the Ordinance and provide detail on how hosts and hosting platforms can comply with the requirements of the Ordinance during the term of the program.

To view the Administrative Guidelines, please click HERE.

Home-Sharing Permit Application

Completed application and necessary forms can be submitted by:


Mail or in-person : City of Gardena Community Development Department (CDD)

                1700 West 162nd Street, Gardena, CA 90247-3778.


For questions on Home-Sharing Rental regulations or the permit application process, please email