New Business

If you are planning to conduct business in the City of Gardena, you must obtain a Gardena Business License.  Businesses that are not physically located within the city limits but are conducting business within the city such as licensed construction contractors, real estate sales, janitorial services, security services, gardening services, property management, etc. are also required to obtain a Gardena Business license.


What should I do before I lease or rent space?

The Community Development Department reviews all new business license applications to ensure that the proposed use is consistent with the established zoning regulations and policies of Gardena.  Please check with the Planning Division at (310) 217-9524 prior to signing a lease or committing your business to a certain location to determine if your use is permitted in the zone, and what additional permits or documentation may be required prior to the issuance of a business license.

How do I apply for a Business License?

Information and instructions on how to apply for a business license can be located by clicking on to Schedule and Appointments Button.

What if my business is homebased?

Every business conducted from a home in the City of Gardena must have both a city business license and a home occupation permit. Home occupation permits are obtained from the Planning Department. The home occupation permit must be submitted with your business license application. The Planning Department will review the type of business you are conducting to ensure that it is allowed within a residential area and will not impact the surrounding neighborhood.

Are there any fees for a business license?

Fees are required for the processing of any initial license application. These fees shall be in addition to the business license tax, any permit fee or regulatory permit fee, will not be prorated.

What is the fee rate schedule and when does my license expired?

Business license fees are assessed on either a flat rate or gross receipts fee schedule depending on the type of business activity conducted.  Construction contractors, residential rental property and non-residential rental property are examples of business types that are taxed on a flat rate.  Most businesses are taxed on a gross receipts fee schedule.  City business licenses expire on December 31 of each year.  Flat rate business license fees are due on or before January 31, and gross receipts-based business license fees are due on or before February 28th penalties will apply after the due date.   If your business activity  requires a special activity permit in addition to a business license, it will expire with the business license and shall be renewed with business license certificate each year.

What if I move to a new location in Gardena?

To process a change of business address, a new Business application shall be submitted to file for an address change. Fees will apply to process a change of address as a business license is not transferable and a zoning clearance and inspection will be required.

May a business license or permit be transferred from one owner to another?

When the structure of a business entity is substantially changed, such as through acquisition by another entity, the new entity is required to obtain a new business. However, in the case of adding or dropping a partner, no new business license is required.

 What should I do if stop doing business or move away?

You want to notify the Business License Division in writing  if you want your license cancelled. No refunds are given when a business ceases to operate. Your account will remain open and may show a delinquent status if the account is not officially closed.

What if I have other questions?

You can contact the Business License Division at (310) 217-9518 or email your inquiry to Walk-ins are accepted; To request an appointment with the Business and Licensing Division, please call (310)217-9518 or email