It is unlawful to distribute advertising materials in the form of a handbill (flyer) or other notice or advertisement in the city without a Business License and a Business Activity Permit. The permit, if granted, will remain in force for a period of one year and is subject to annual renewal thereafter by the Community Development Department.
Regardless whether or not you possess a valid Advertising (Handbill) Permit, it is still unlawful in the City of Gardena for any person to cast, scatter or strew any handbill, poster, or pamphlet containing advertising to any person upon any public street, alley, park, or other public place or into or upon any vehicle or upon any mailbox, porch, or yard.
It is also unlawful for any advertising materials described above to be distributed to any residence or business where the occupant has previously expressed opposition to the distribution of such materials to those responsible for distribution or has posted a sign on the property in opposition to delivery.
The Distribution of Advertising Permit (Handbill) application is provided below and is also available for pick in the Permits and Licenses Office located in City Hall, Room 101, 1700 W. 162nd Street, Gardena, CA 90247. Business License staff may be contacted for additional information at (310) 217-9518or by e-mail at: