An Annual/Periodic Permit is required by the City of Gardena for any event that occurs more than once a year OR an event that takes place once a year regardless of the number of days in the event. An annual or periodic event is not an event that takes place regularly nor is it a part of a businesses continuing operations. Common examples of annual or periodic events in the City of Gardena include: chili cook-off, tent sale, 5K Run, a fund-raiser, promotional or other special event.
If the event is a carnival or circus, a permit is also required and must be approved by City Council. The applicant is not required to undergo a background check, however the applicant must provide a list of all employees and their date of birth as part of the application package.
If you are planning an event, including a circus or carnival, that will last MORE than three days, a Temporary Use Permit will be required. The sponsor of the event may be required to pay for police officers or other City personnel to be on hand for the event and will be required to supply proof of insurance. In addition, the sponsor will be responsible for obtaining a license and permit to cover all approved vendors included in the event and pay a fee for the business license based upon their collective gross receipts. However, if the sponsor does not intend to handle the sales accounting, a business license and permit will be required of each vendor participating in the event. The permit and license fees, which are non-refundable, vary according to the event and can be paid by check, cash, money order or credit card. The City has the right to modify the time or nature of your application or to deny the application outright if it does not meet all applicable rules and regulations. Be sure to allow at least 45 days to complete the permit review and approval process.
If the applicant is planning to hold a CARNIVAL, FAIR or erect a TENT or air-supported temporary structure in excess of 200 feet, or a canopy in excess of 400 square feet, the Los Angeles County Fire Department requires an application (declaration letter) and a plot plan be submitted for their approval along with the permit application package filed with the City of Gardena. Appointments to arrange for a tent inspection must be arranged with L.A. County Fire at least ten (10) days before the event. If the applicant has any specific questions related to the permit required by the Fire Department, please call (310) 263-2735, fax (310) 263-2732 or visit 4475 El Segundo Boulevard located in Hawthorne, California. The application and requirements are provided below.
The Annual/Periodic Event and Circus/Carnival Permit application materials are provided below and also available for pick up at the Permits and Licenses Office located in City Hall, Room 101, 1700 W. 162nd Street, Gardena, CA 90247. Business License staff may be contacted for additional information at (310) 217-9518 or by e-mail at: