There are basically two types of permits issued by the City. They are:

  • Permits that are required in conjunction with a business license to perform certain activities.
  • Permits that are required to perform certain activities that are not business related.

To view a complete listing of business activity permits and related fees, click here. To assist prospective business owners and managers in the preliminary planning and application process of opening a new business, we prepared a document entitled Business License & Permit Planning Guidelines that is recommended for your review. If you have any questions concerning permits and fees, contact the Permits and Licenses Office at (310) 217-9518 or e-mail your questions to

Permits Held in Conjunction with a Business License

Some of the more common types of business activities that require a permit in addition to a business license are listed below. If you are planning to conduct any of these business activities, be sure to allow at least 45 days to complete the permit review and approval process. Some permits require a background investigation and approval from other City departments and/or governmental agencies before a permit is recommended for approval.

The most common types of business activities that require a permit in addition to a business license are listed below. Additional information and application forms are available by double clicking on the type of business activity permit you are interested in seeking.

Permits that are NOT held in Conjunction with a Business License
Certain activities require a permit from the City. If you are planning to conduct any of the activities listed below, be sure to allow at least 14 days to complete the permit review and approval process. Some permits require approval from other City departments and/or governmental agencies to complete.

Bingo Permit
Only nonprofit organizations located in Gardena are eligible to conduct bingo games in the City. The required application and additional information can be found by clicking here.

Block Party Permit
If you want to have fun and get to know your neighbors, a block party may be just the thing. Simply outline the details of your proposed party in a letter and mail it to the city. For additional information regarding Block Party Permit requests and related fees click here.

Dance Permit
It is unlawful in Gardena to hold a dance at any fraternal hall or public assembly place without a Dance Permit. A permit is NOT required for affairs held on private property, such as a residence. For more information regarding Dance Permits and required application click here.

Garage and Yard Sale Permit
A resident who wants to hold a garage or yard sale in the City must obtain a permit prior to the event. No more than four garage/yard sales may be conducted at the same address within a calendar year. For more information regarding Garage/Yard Sale Permits and required application click here.

Fireworks Stand Permit
From March 1 through noon March 31st, the City of Gardena accepts applications for a total of (8) permits to sell safe and sane fireworks at outdoor sales stands. Permits are only accepted from non-profit organizations and those who received a permit the prior year take precedence over new applicants. For more information regarding fireworks stand permits and application please call the Permits and Licenses Office at (310) 217-9518.