Restaurant Guides

Gardena has some of the most authentic and delicious restaurants in the South Bay. Please click the maps below to view the different maps.

Shop Gardena First

Every dollar you spend in Gardena  helps our businesses stay open and creates new jobs for Gardena residents.

When you shop Gardena First!, yours sales tax dollars stay right here in Gardena and strengthen the local community.

Join the “Gardena First!” movement and help spread the word!

What Can You Do?

Before you consider shopping outside Gardena for your goods and services, know that buying from a local merchant or shopping for products from Gardena businesses will keep a portion of the sales tax in Gardena and that helps to improve the quality of life in Gardena. Help spread the word. Talk to your friends and family about the benefits of shopping locally. Keep Gardena dollars right here in Gardena…Gardena First!

For more information, click here to take a look at our information flyer.

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