Envisioning an online presence where the Gardena community could honor their heroes, Sgt. Rodney Gonsalves and co-founder Councilwoman Tasha Cerda in 2014 collaboratively created the Gardena Honored Veterans (GHV) website which has evolved into becoming a very informative and community oriented website for our Gardena veterans and community readers at large.
The Board encourages you to visit GHV often for updates including our Spotlight Veterans, new Veterans joining our site, as well as important military dates and upcoming involved activities. Our goal, with over 2,700 Veterans living in the Gardena community, is to encourage each of our Veterans or their families to allow us to honor you/them by letting us list you/their names and their military history on our site so that the Gardena community can learn a bit more about our hometown heroes who fought to protect us.
Helpful Resources for Veterans and their Families: