Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program

The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program is a federal, formula-based program determined by the most current census data, considering population and the number of low-moderate income residents in a city.

Cities who receive money under this program are considered as entitlement cities, and must administer the use of these funds in accordance with specific regulations of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

The CDBG Program provides, on an annual basis, an allocation of funds to local governments for a wide-range of eligible housing and community development activities. The national objectives of the CDBG Program are to:

  1. Benefit low to moderate-income persons
  2. Eliminate slum and blighted conditions
  3. Meet an urgent community need

Activities funded with CDBG funds must benefit residents from low-moderate income target areas.

Oversight for the CDBG Program is within the Community Development Department.

For more information please contact the Director of Community Development at 1-310-217-9531.