Just as each state has its own laws, cities have the authority to create their own laws in the form of “ordinances.” Gardena’s ordinances are assembled into a book known as the Gardena Municipal Code. This information is available to you on-line, including search capabilities to help you find the information you seek.

Ordinances are usually considered by the City Council in two consecutive meetings, first for introduction and then for final adoption. The exception are those noted as “urgency ordinances” which are presented to the City Council for immediate adoption, at a single Council meeting. Consideration of most ordinances requires a noticed public hearing and a 30-day post-adoption period before taking effect. All ordinances, except those for specific land-uses or interim application, are published in the City’s Municipal Code.

You may view a complete copy of the Gardena Municipal Code with keyword search capability by viewing the Gardena Municipal Code.

The Gardena Municipal Code is updated routinely. Ordinances that have been approved by Council (adopted) but not yet published in the Code can be accessed by visiting the City Clerk’s Office at City Hall or by calling (310) 217-9565.

Below are the Public Notices and Introduction of Ordinances that the City Council of the City of Gardena is set to consider.

Ordinance No. Title Date Adopted
1874 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gardena, California, Adding Chapter 15.64 (Contractors) to Title 15 (Buildings and Construction) of the Gardena Municipal Code relating to a Labor Transparency Ordinance 07/23/2024
1873 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gardena, California, Readopting the Changes to the Zoning Map of the City of Gardena and Changes to Title 18 (Zoning) of the Gardena Municipal Code as set forth in Ordinance No. 1848, with Minor Amendments, Adopting a Mitigation and Monitoring Reporting Program, and Making Required Findings Under CEQA 08/13/2024
1872 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gardena, California, Adopting a Military Equipment Use Policy 05/28/2024
1871 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gardena, California, Amending Sections of Chapter 5.52 and Title 18 of the Gardena Municipal Code relating to Significant Tobacco Retailers, Cigar Lounges, and Hookah Lounges and Making a Finding that the Ordinance is Exempt from CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061 (b)(3) 05/14/2024
1870 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gardena, California, Authorizing an Amendment to the Contract between the Board of Administration of the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (“CALPERS”) and the City of Gardena 05/14/2024
1869 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gardena, California, Adding Chapter 2.70 to Title 2 of the Gardena Municipal Code Relating to Statements of Economic Interest and Electronic and Paperless Filing of Campaign Disclosure Statements 04/23/2024
1868 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gardena, California, Amending Portions of Chapter 13.04 (Sewer System) of the Gardena Municipal Code and Finding the Action is Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act Pursuant to the Common Sence Exemption of CEQA Guidelines Section 15061 (b)(3) 06/25/2024
1867 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gardena, California, Extending a Temporary Moratorium on Significant Tobacco Retailers for an Additional Year to March 27, 2025 03/12/2024
1866 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gardena, California, Amending Title 2, Title 14, and Title 18 of the Gardena Municipal Code Relating to Changes Required by 6th Cycle 2021-2029 Housing Element Programs for Housing Replacement, Emergency Shelters, and Employee Housing and Changes Required by State Law and Finding the Adoption to be Exempt from CEQA Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(B)(3) 03/26/2024
1865 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gardena, California, Amending Chapter 18.60 of the Gardena Municipal Code and Sections 5.08.170, 8.16.030 and 8.16.050 relating to Temporary Use Permits and Temporary Event Permits, and Amending Sections 5.04.160, 5.04.278 and 5.28.020 of Title 5 relating to Permits and Finding that the Ordinance is Categorically Exempt from CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) (Common Sense Exemption) and 15304 (Minor Alterations to land) 05/14/2024
1864 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gardena, California, Amending Section 2.04.170 of the Gardena Municipal Code Setting the Compensation of the Mayor and Members of City Council as Authorized by Senate Bill 329 01/09/2024
1863 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gardena, California, Making Minor Amendments to Ordinance No. 1851 Which Adopted By Reference the 2022 Edition of the California Building Standards Code Relating to Fence Permits and Rodentproofing, Amending Section 18.42.070.F of the Gardena Municipal Code and Finding the Action is Exempt form the California Environmental Quality Act Pursuant to the Common Sense Exemption of CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) 01/09/2024
1862 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gardena, California, Amending Section 3.24.020 (Delegation of Claims Authority to City Manager) of Chapter 3.24 (Claims and Demands Against the City) of Title 3 (Revenue and Finance) of the Gardena Municipal Code 01/09/2024
1861 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gardena, California, Amending Section 2.60.100 (Open Market Procedure) of Chapter 2.60 (Purchasing System) of Title 2 (Administration and Personnel) of the Gardena Municipal Code 01/09/2024
1860 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gardena, California, Repealing and Readopting Chapter 18.43 of the Gardena Municipal Code Relating to Density Bonus Laws and Finding the Ordinance to be Exempt Pursuant to the Common Sense Exemption of CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) 01/09/2024
Ordinance No. Title Date Adopted
1859 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gardena, California, Amending Section 2.66.090 (Compensation) of Chapter 2.66 (Gardena Economic Business Advisory Commission) and Section 2.68.110 (Compensation of Chapter 2.68 (Gardena Beautification Commission) of Title 2 (Administration and Personnel) of the Gardena Municipal Code 12/14/2023

An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gardena, California, Authorizing an Amendment to the Contract Between the Board of Administration of the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (“CALPERS”) and the City of Gardena

1857 An Ordinance of the City of Gardena, California, Amending Section 18.12.060 Relating to Two-Unit Housing Developments and making a Determination that the Ordinance is Exempt from CEQA Pursuant to the Terms of SB9 07/25/2023
1856 Amending Chapters 18.04 and 18.13 of the Gardena Municipal Code Relating to Accessory Dwelling Units and Making a Determination that the Ordinance is Exempt from CEQA Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21080.17 10/24/2023
1855 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gardena, California, Adopting the Most Recent Version of the Los Angeles County Fire Code as Set Forth in Title 32 of the Los Angeles County Code by Reference and Finding the Action Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act Pursuant to the Common Sense Exemption of CEQA Guidelines Section 15061 (b)(3) 07/11/2023
1854 Amending Title 18 and Adding Chapter 5.76 to Title 5 Relating to Home Sharing Rentals 09/12/2023
1853 An Urgency Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gardena, California, Extending a Temporary Moratorium on Significant Tobacco Retailers 05/09/2023
1852 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gardena, California, Amending Section 2.48.020(B) of the Gardena Municipal Code relating to the Membership Eligibility of Youth Commission Members 05/09/2023
1851 An Ordinance of the City of Gardena, California, Adopting by Reference the 2022 Edition of the California Building Standards Code (California Code of Regulations, Title 24), Except for the Fire Code, and Making Amendments thereto; Adoption of the 2021 International Property Maintenance Code; Repealing Chapter 15.08 of the Gardena Municipal Code; and Finding the Action Exempt from the California Environmental Equality Act Pursuant to the Common Sense Exemption of CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) 05/23/2023
1849 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gardena California, Adopting a Military Equipment Use Policy 05/09/2023
1848 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gardena, California, Amending Title 18 of the Gardena Municipal Code Primarily Relating to the Establishment of Housing Overlays and Development Standards pertaining thereto and Revising the City’s Zoning Map and Finding the Adoption to be Exempt from CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) and 15308 03/03/2023
URG-1847 An Urgency Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gardena, California, Amending Title 18 of the Gardena Municipal Code Primarily relating to the Establishment of Housing Overlays and Development Standards pertaining thereto and Revising the City’s Zoning Map and Finding the Adoption to be Exempt from CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15061(b)(3) and 15308 02/15/2023
1846 An Ordinance Of The City Council Of The City Of Gardena, California, Add Chapter 15.52 to Title 15, Buildings and Construction, of the Gardena Municipal Code Relating to the Protection of Property During Demolition” 01/10/2023
Ordinance No. Title Date Adopted
1837 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gardena, California, Repealing Chapter 18.20 of the Gardena Municipal Code, Adopting a New Updated Chapter 18.20 and Updating Chapter 2.60 of the Gardena Municipal Code to Incorporate Provisions of Senate Bill 1383 and Regulations Adopted by Calrecycle 11/16/2021
1836 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gardena, California, Adding a New Chapter 15.60 to the Gardena Municipal code Which Chapter Adopts by Reference the Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance 11/16/2021
1835 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gardena, California, Changing the Date of the City’s General Municipal Election from the First Tuesday After the First Monday in March of Even-Numbered Years to the Date of the Statewide Primary Election in Even-Numbered Years, in Response to the Senate Bill 970; Adjusting Terms in Office Accordingly 11/16/2021
1834 An Ordinance Of The City Council Of The City Of Gardena, California Amending Section 18.72.050 Of The Gardena Municipal Code Relating To The Call For Review Procedures 09/28/2021
1833 An Ordinance Of The City Council Of The City Of Gardena, California Adding Chapter 2.68 To The Gardena Municipal Code Codifying The Gardena Beautification Commission 09/28/2021
1832 An Ordinance Of The City Council Of The City Of Gardena, California Amending Chapter 18.40 Of The Gardena Municipal Code Relating To Required Parking And Loading To Permit Off-Site Parking, Street Parking, Tandem, And Other Configurations With A Conditional Use Permit In Certain Circumstances 09/28/2021
1831 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gardena, California Adding Chapter 2.66 to the Gardena Municipal Code Codifying the Gardena Economic Business Advisory Commission 07/27/2021
1830 An Ordinance of the City Council of the city of Gardena, California, amending Section 5.16.190 (Days and Hours of Operation) of Chapter 5.16 (Bingo) of Title 5 (Business Licenses and Operations) of the Gardena Municipal Code 06/08/2021
1829 Adopting the most Recent Version of the Los Angeles County Fire Code As Set Forth in Title 32 of the Los Angeles County Code by Reference. 05/25/2021
1828 Amending Chapter 18.58 of the Gardena Municipal Code Relating to Digital Billboards, Amending the Zoning Map of the City of Gardena, Approving a Specific Plan, Including the Site Plan, and Approving a Development Agreement With DIN/CAL 4, INC. Relating to the Development of up to 265 Dwelling Units. 05/11/2021
1827 Amending Section 8.08.035 (Amendment of Section 7802.3) of Chapter 8.08 (Fire Code) and Amending Sections 8.16.010 (Definitions), 8.16.020 (Permit – Required), Section 8.16.130 (Dates and Hours of Sale and Use), 8.16.0150 (Prohibitions On Discharge), 8.16.170 (Violation – Penalty) and Adding Section 8.16.155 (Social Host Liability) of Chapter 8.16 (Fireworks) of Title 8 (Health and Safety) of the Gardena Municipal Code 04/27/2021
1825 Making Changes to Title 18, Zoning, of the Gardena Municipal Code Relating to Amenity Hotels and Other Minor Revisions 04/13/2021
1824 Approving Zone Change #3-20 Rezoning the Property Located at 1108 W. 141st Street From Medium (R-3) and High (R-4) Density Multiple-Family Residential to General Commercial (C-3) With a Mixed Use Overlay (MUO) 01/12/2021
1821 Adding Chapter 18.57 to the Gardena Municipal Code Relating to the Low Barrier Navigation Centers 01/12/2021
Ordinance No. Title Date Adopted
1823 Approving Zone Change #1019 Changing the Zoning of Property Located at 1335, 1337, 1341, and 1343 West  141st Street from Low and Medium Density Residential (R-1/R-3) to High Density Residential (R-4) 12/15/2020
1822 Approving Zone Change #2-20 Changing the Zoning of a Property Located at 13615, 13619, and 13633 Vermont Avenue from General Commercial (C-3) to High Density Residential (R-4) 12/15/2020
1820 Making Additional Changes to Title 18, Zoning, of the Gardena Municipal Code Relating to Residential Development and Time Extensions for Entitlements 08/11/2020
1819 Relating to a Temporary Moratorium on Evicting Tenants Due to Causes Related to the COVID-19 State of Emergency and Declaring the Ordinance to be an Emergency Measure to Take Effect Immediately Upon Adoption 03/26/2020
1818 Amending Chapter 17.20 of the Gardena Municipal Code Relating To Park and Recreation Dedication and Fees 05/26/2020
1817 Amending Chapter 18.43 of the Gardena Municipal Code Relating to Density Bonus Provisions 05/26/2020
1816 Amending Section 5.24.170 of the Gardena Municipal Code Regarding Card Club Employee Work Permits 02/25/2020
1815 Repealing Chapter 15.04 of the Gardena Municipal Code and Adopting a New Chapter 15.04 Which Adopts by Reference the 2019 California State Buildings Standards Code, with Amendments, Excepts Part 9, and Readopts Section 15.04.020 Relating to Fees 02/11/2020
1814 Amending the Zoning Provisions of the Gardena Municipal Code Relating to Accessory Dwelling Units in Accordance with State Law 01/28/2020
1811 Enacting a Transactions and Use Tax (Sales Tax) to be Administered by the Department of Tax and Fee Administration, Subject to Adoption by the Electorate 02/11/2020
Ordinance No. Title Date Adopted
1799 Amending Sections 14.04.030, 14.04.050, and 14.04.280 of the Gardena Municipal Code Relating to Qualifications of Rent Mediation Board Members and Notice of Mediation Procedures 08/28/2018
1798 Amending Sections 15.44.020, 15.44.040, and 15.44.050 of the Gardena Municipal Code to Eliminate Out-of-Date Cross References 08/14/2018
1797 Amending Chapter 8.20 of the Gardena Municipal Code Relating to Solid Waste and Recyclable Collection and Disposal and Amending Section 18.42.130 of the Gardena Municipal Code Relating to Refuse Enclosures 11/13/2018
1795 Placing the Deputy City Clerk and Deputy City Treasurer Positions Under the Authority of the City Manager 06/26/2018
1792 Amending Chapter 18.40 of the Gardena Municipal Code Relating to Off-Street Parking and Loading and Amending Chapter 18.68 of the Gardena Municipal Code Relating to Transportation Demand Management 04/24/2018
1791 Repealing Chapter 15.04 of the Gardena Municipal Code and Adopting a New Chapter 15.04 Which Adopts By Reference the 2016 California State Building Code with Amendments; Adopting By Reference the International Property Maintenance Code; Adopting By Reference The Uniform Building Security Code; and Adopting By Reference the 2017 Los Angeles County Fire Code 03/27/2018
1790 Amending Section 13.40.010 of the Gardena Municipal Code to Adopt by Reference the 2018 Edition of “The Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, The Green Book.” 04/10/2018
1789 Reaffirming Authorization to Collect Public, Educational, and Governmental (“PEG”) Fees 02/27/2018
1788 Reaffirming Authorization to Collect Public, Educational, and Governmental (“PEG”) Fees 02/13/2018
1786 Amending Sections 1.20.120, 8.64.010, and 8.34.020 of the Gardena Municipal Code, Regarding Abatement of Nuisances 02/27/2018
1785 Amending Chapters 8.08 and 8.16 of the Gardena Municipal Code Regarding Safe and Sane Fireworks 02/13/2018
1784 Amending Sections 10.28.290 and 10.28.386 and Adding Section 10.28.387 of the Gardena Municipal Code to Establish Restricted Parking Zones on Certain Streets in the City 01/23/2018